
Source code for flash.core.classification

# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn
from torchmetrics import Accuracy, Metric

from flash.core.adapter import AdapterTask
from import DataKeys
from import Output
from flash.core.model import Task
from flash.core.registry import FlashRegistry
from flash.core.utilities.imports import _FIFTYONE_AVAILABLE, _TM_GREATER_EQUAL_0_7_0, lazy_import, requires
from flash.core.utilities.providers import _FIFTYONE

    fol = lazy_import("fiftyone.core.labels")
    Classification = "fiftyone.core.labels.Classification"
    Classifications = "fiftyone.core.labels.Classifications"
    fol = None
    Classification = None
    Classifications = None

    from torchmetrics import F1Score
    from torchmetrics import F1 as F1Score

CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS = FlashRegistry("outputs")

def binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Calls BCE with logits and cast the target one_hot (y) encoding to floating point precision."""
    return F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(x, y.float())

class ClassificationMixin:
    def _build(
        num_classes: Optional[int] = None,
        labels: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        loss_fn: Optional[Callable] = None,
        metrics: Union[Metric, Mapping, Sequence, None] = None,
        multi_label: bool = False,
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.multi_label = multi_label
        self.labels = labels

        if metrics is None:
            metrics = F1Score(num_classes) if (multi_label and num_classes) else Accuracy()

        if loss_fn is None:
            loss_fn = binary_cross_entropy_with_logits if multi_label else F.cross_entropy

        return metrics, loss_fn

    def to_metrics_format(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        if getattr(self, "multi_label", False):
            return torch.sigmoid(x)
        return torch.softmax(x, dim=1)

[docs]class ClassificationTask(ClassificationMixin, Task): outputs: FlashRegistry = Task.outputs + CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS def __init__( self, *args, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, loss_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, metrics: Union[Metric, Mapping, Sequence, None] = None, multi_label: bool = False, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: metrics, loss_fn = self._build(num_classes, labels, loss_fn, metrics, multi_label) super().__init__( *args, loss_fn=loss_fn, metrics=metrics, **kwargs, )
class ClassificationAdapterTask(ClassificationMixin, AdapterTask): outputs: FlashRegistry = Task.outputs + CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS def __init__( self, *args, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, loss_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, metrics: Union[Metric, Mapping, Sequence, None] = None, multi_label: bool = False, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: metrics, loss_fn = self._build(num_classes, labels, loss_fn, metrics, multi_label) super().__init__( *args, loss_fn=loss_fn, metrics=metrics, **kwargs, )
[docs]class ClassificationOutput(Output): """A base class for classification outputs. Args: multi_label: If true, treats outputs as multi label logits. """ def __init__(self, multi_label: bool = False): super().__init__() self._mutli_label = multi_label @classmethod def from_task(cls, task: Task, **kwargs) -> Output: return cls(multi_label=getattr(task, "multi_label", False)) @property def multi_label(self) -> bool: return self._mutli_label
[docs]@CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS(name="preds") class PredsClassificationOutput(ClassificationOutput): """A :class:`~flash.core.classification.ClassificationOutput` which gets the :attr:`` from the sample. """ def transform(self, sample: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(sample, Mapping) and DataKeys.PREDS in sample: sample = sample[DataKeys.PREDS] if not isinstance(sample, torch.Tensor): sample = torch.tensor(sample) return sample
[docs]@CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS(name="logits") class LogitsOutput(PredsClassificationOutput): """A :class:`.Output` which simply converts the model outputs (assumed to be logits) to a list.""" def transform(self, sample: Any) -> Any: return super().transform(sample).tolist()
[docs]@CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS(name="probabilities") class ProbabilitiesOutput(PredsClassificationOutput): """A :class:`.Output` which applies a softmax to the model outputs (assumed to be logits) and converts to a list.""" def transform(self, sample: Any) -> Any: sample = super().transform(sample) if self.multi_label: return torch.sigmoid(sample).tolist() return torch.softmax(sample, -1).tolist()
[docs]@CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS(name="classes") class ClassesOutput(PredsClassificationOutput): """A :class:`.Output` which applies an argmax to the model outputs (either logits or probabilities) and converts to a list. Args: multi_label: If true, treats outputs as multi label logits. threshold: The threshold to use for multi_label classification. """ def __init__(self, multi_label: bool = False, threshold: float = 0.5): super().__init__(multi_label) self.threshold = threshold def transform(self, sample: Any) -> Union[int, List[int]]: sample = super().transform(sample) if self.multi_label: one_hot = (sample.sigmoid() > self.threshold).int().tolist() result = [] for index, value in enumerate(one_hot): if value == 1: result.append(index) return result return torch.argmax(sample, -1).tolist()
[docs]@CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS(name="labels") class LabelsOutput(ClassesOutput): """A :class:`.Output` which converts the model outputs (either logits or probabilities) to the label of the argmax classification. Args: labels: A list of labels, assumed to map the class index to the label for that class. multi_label: If true, treats outputs as multi label logits. threshold: The threshold to use for multi_label classification. """ def __init__(self, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, multi_label: bool = False, threshold: float = 0.5): super().__init__(multi_label=multi_label, threshold=threshold) self._labels = labels @classmethod def from_task(cls, task: Task, **kwargs) -> Output: return cls(labels=getattr(task, "labels", None), multi_label=getattr(task, "multi_label", False)) def transform(self, sample: Any) -> Union[int, List[int], str, List[str]]: classes = super().transform(sample) if self._labels is not None: if self.multi_label: return [self._labels[cls] for cls in classes] return self._labels[classes] rank_zero_warn("No labels were provided, this output will act as a Classes output.", category=UserWarning) return classes
[docs]@CLASSIFICATION_OUTPUTS(name="fiftyone", providers=_FIFTYONE) class FiftyOneLabelsOutput(ClassificationOutput): """A :class:`.Output` which converts the model outputs to FiftyOne classification format. Args: labels: A list of labels, assumed to map the class index to the label for that class. multi_label: If true, treats outputs as multi label logits. threshold: A threshold to use to filter candidate labels. In the single label case, predictions below this threshold will be replaced with None store_logits: Boolean determining whether to store logits in the FiftyOne labels return_filepath: Boolean determining whether to return a dict containing filepath and FiftyOne labels (True) or only a list of FiftyOne labels (False) """ @requires("fiftyone") def __init__( self, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, multi_label: bool = False, threshold: Optional[float] = None, store_logits: bool = False, return_filepath: bool = True, ): if multi_label and threshold is None: threshold = 0.5 super().__init__(multi_label=multi_label) self._labels = labels self.threshold = threshold self.store_logits = store_logits self.return_filepath = return_filepath @classmethod def from_task(cls, task: Task, **kwargs) -> Output: return cls(labels=getattr(task, "labels", None), multi_label=getattr(task, "multi_label", False)) def transform( self, sample: Any, ) -> Union[Classification, Classifications, Dict[str, Any]]: pred = sample[DataKeys.PREDS] if isinstance(sample, Dict) else sample pred = torch.tensor(pred) logits = None if self.store_logits: logits = pred.tolist() if self.multi_label: one_hot = (pred.sigmoid() > self.threshold).int().tolist() classes = [] for index, value in enumerate(one_hot): if value == 1: classes.append(index) probabilities = torch.sigmoid(pred).tolist() else: classes = torch.argmax(pred, -1).tolist() probabilities = torch.softmax(pred, -1).tolist() if self._labels is not None: if self.multi_label: classifications = [] for idx in classes: fo_cls = fol.Classification( label=self._labels[idx], confidence=probabilities[idx], ) classifications.append(fo_cls) fo_predictions = fol.Classifications( classifications=classifications, logits=logits, ) else: confidence = max(probabilities) if self.threshold is not None and confidence < self.threshold: fo_predictions = None else: fo_predictions = fol.Classification( label=self._labels[classes], confidence=confidence, logits=logits, ) else: rank_zero_warn("No labels were provided, int targets will be used as label strings.", category=UserWarning) if self.multi_label: classifications = [] for idx in classes: fo_cls = fol.Classification( label=str(idx), confidence=probabilities[idx], ) classifications.append(fo_cls) fo_predictions = fol.Classifications( classifications=classifications, logits=logits, ) else: confidence = max(probabilities) if self.threshold is not None and confidence < self.threshold: fo_predictions = None else: fo_predictions = fol.Classification( label=str(classes), confidence=confidence, logits=logits, ) if self.return_filepath: filepath = sample[DataKeys.METADATA]["filepath"] return {"filepath": filepath, "predictions": fo_predictions} return fo_predictions

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