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# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
import os
import sys
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, cast, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from pytorch_lightning.utilities.enums import LightningEnum
from import Dataset

from import Properties
from import _STAGES_PREFIX
from flash.core.utilities.stages import RunningStage

if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
    from typing import GenericMeta
    GenericMeta = type

if not os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", False):
    from import IterableDataset
    # ReadTheDocs mocks the `IterableDataset` import so it's type cannot be used as a base for a metaclass, so we
    # replace it here.
    IterableDataset = object

def _deepcopy_dict(nested_dict: Any) -> Any:
    """Utility to deepcopy a nested dict."""
    if not isinstance(nested_dict, Dict):
        return nested_dict
    return {key: value for key, value in nested_dict.items()}

[docs]class InputFormat(LightningEnum): """The ``InputFormat`` enum contains the data source names used by all of the default ``from_*`` methods in :class:``.""" FOLDERS = "folders" FILES = "files" NUMPY = "numpy" TENSORS = "tensors" CSV = "csv" JSON = "json" PARQUET = "parquet" DATASETS = "datasets" HUGGINGFACE_DATASET = "hf_datasets" FIFTYONE = "fiftyone" DATAFRAME = "data_frame" LISTS = "lists" LABELSTUDIO = "labelstudio" # TODO: Create a FlashEnum class??? def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.value)
[docs]class DataKeys(LightningEnum): """The ``DataKeys`` enum contains the keys that are used by built-in data sources to refer to inputs and targets.""" INPUT = "input" PREDS = "preds" TARGET = "target" METADATA = "metadata" # TODO: Create a FlashEnum class??? def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.value)
class BaseDataFormat(LightningEnum): """The base class for creating ``data_format`` for :class:``.""" def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.value) def _has_len(data: Union[Sequence, Iterable]) -> bool: """Duck typing check to see if the argument supports getting the length. Args: data: The object to check for length support. """ try: len(data) return True except (TypeError, NotImplementedError): return False def _validate_input(input: "InputBase") -> None: """Helper function to validate that the type of an ```` is appropriate for the type of ``InputBase`` being used. Args: input: The ``InputBase`` instance to validate. Raises: RuntimeError: If the ``input`` is of type ``Input`` and it's ``data`` attribute does not support ``len``. RuntimeError: If the ``input`` is of type ``IterableInput`` and it's ``data`` attribute does support ``len``. """ if is not None: if isinstance(input, Input) and not _has_len( raise RuntimeError("`` is not a sequence with a defined length. Use `IterableInput` instead.") elif isinstance(input, IterableInput) and _has_len( raise RuntimeError("`` is a sequence with a defined length. Use `Input` instead.") def _wrap_init(class_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Helper function to wrap the ``__init__`` (if present) from a class construction dict to apply the ``_validate_input`` function after instantiation. Modifies the dict inplace. Args: class_dict: The class construction dict, optionally containing an init to wrap. """ if "__init__" in class_dict: fn = class_dict["__init__"] @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): fn(self, *args, **kwargs) _validate_input(self) class_dict["__init__"] = wrapper class _InputMeta(GenericMeta): """Metaclass for the ``InputBase`` which wraps any init defined in a subclass with the ``_validate_input`` helper.""" def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple, class_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "_InputMeta": _wrap_init(class_dict) return cast(_InputMeta, super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict)) class _IterableInputMeta(_InputMeta, type(IterableDataset)): """Metaclass for the ``IterableInput`` which extends ``_InputMeta`` and avoids metaclass conflict with ``IterableDataset``.""" def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple, class_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "_IterableInputMeta": return cast(_IterableInputMeta, super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, class_dict)) class InputBase(Properties, metaclass=_InputMeta): """``InputBase`` is the base class for the :class:`` and :class:`` dataset implementations in Flash. These datasets are constructed via the ``load_data`` and ``load_sample`` hooks, which allow a single dataset object to include custom loading logic according to the running stage (e.g. train, validate, test, predict). Args: running_stage: The running stage for which the input will be used. *args: Any arguments that are to be passed to the ``load_data`` hook. **kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments to pass to the ``load_data`` hook. """ def __init__(self, running_stage: RunningStage, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(running_stage=running_stage) = None if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] is not None: = getattr(self, f"{_STAGES_PREFIX[running_stage]}_load_data")(*args, **kwargs) def _call_load_sample(self, sample: Any) -> Any: # Deepcopy the sample to avoid leaks with complex data structures sample_output = getattr(self, f"{_STAGES_PREFIX[self.running_stage]}_load_sample")(_deepcopy_dict(sample)) # Change DataKeys Enum to strings if isinstance(sample_output, dict): output_dict = {} for key, val in sample_output.items(): if isinstance(key, Enum) and hasattr(key, "value"): output_dict[key.value] = val else: output_dict[key] = val return output_dict return sample_output @staticmethod def load_data(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Sequence, Iterable]: """The ``load_data`` hook should return a collection of samples. To reduce the memory footprint, these samples should typically not have been loaded. For example, an input which loads images from disk would only return the list of filenames here rather than the loaded images. Args: *args: Any arguments that the input requires. **kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments that the input requires. """ return args[0] def train_load_data(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Sequence, Iterable]: """Override the ``train_load_data`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during training. Args: *args: Any arguments that the input requires. **kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments that the input requires. """ return self.load_data(*args, **kwargs) def val_load_data(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Sequence, Iterable]: """Override the ``val_load_data`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during validating. Args: *args: Any arguments that the input requires. **kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments that the input requires. """ return self.load_data(*args, **kwargs) def test_load_data(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Sequence, Iterable]: """Override the ``test_load_data`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during testing. Args: *args: Any arguments that the input requires. **kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments that the input requires. """ return self.load_data(*args, **kwargs) def predict_load_data(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Sequence, Iterable]: """Override the ``predict_load_data`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during predicting. Args: *args: Any arguments that the input requires. **kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments that the input requires. """ return self.load_data(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def load_sample(sample: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """The ``load_sample`` hook is called for each ``__getitem__`` or ``__next__`` call to the dataset with a single sample from the output of the ``load_data`` hook as input. Args: sample: A single sample from the output of the ``load_data`` hook. """ return sample def train_load_sample(self, sample: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Override the ``train_load_sample`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during training. Args: sample: A single sample from the output of the ``load_data`` hook. """ return self.load_sample(sample) def val_load_sample(self, sample: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Override the ``val_load_sample`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during validating. Args: sample: A single sample from the output of the ``load_data`` hook. """ return self.load_sample(sample) def test_load_sample(self, sample: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Override the ``test_load_sample`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during testing. Args: sample: A single sample from the output of the ``load_data`` hook. """ return self.load_sample(sample) def predict_load_sample(self, sample: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Override the ``predict_load_sample`` hook with data loading logic that is only required during predicting. Args: sample: A single sample from the output of the ``load_data`` hook. """ return self.load_sample(sample) def __bool__(self): """If ```` is ``None`` then the ``InputBase`` is considered falsey. This allows for quickly checking whether or not the ``InputBase`` is populated with data. """ return is not None
[docs]class Input(InputBase, Dataset): def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Any: return self._call_load_sample([index]) def __len__(self) -> int: return len( if is not None else 0
class IterableInput(InputBase, IterableDataset, metaclass=_IterableInputMeta): def __iter__(self): self.data_iter = iter( return self def __next__(self) -> Any: return self._call_load_sample(next(self.data_iter)) class ServeInput(Input): def __init__(self) -> None: if hasattr(self, "serve_load_data"): raise TypeError("`serve_load_data` shouldn't be implemented.") super().__init__(RunningStage.SERVING) def serve_load_sample(self, sample: Any) -> List[Any]: raise NotImplementedError def example_input(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError def __bool__(self): return True

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