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# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import reduce
from typing import Any, cast, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import sorted_alphanumeric
from flash.core.utilities.imports import _CORE_TESTING

# Skip doctests if requirements aren't available
    __doctest_skip__ = ["*"]

def _is_list_like(x: Any) -> bool:
        _ = x[0]
        _ = len(x)
        return True
    except (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError):
        return False

def _as_list(x: Union[List, Tensor, np.ndarray]) -> List:
    if torch.is_tensor(x) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        return cast(List, x.tolist())
    return x

def _strip(x: str) -> str:
    return x.strip(", ")

[docs]@dataclass class TargetFormatter: """A ``TargetFormatter`` is used to convert targets of a given type to a standard format required by the loss function. To implement a custom ``TargetFormatter``, simply override the ``format`` method with your own logic. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> from dataclasses import dataclass >>> from typing import ClassVar, Optional >>> from import TargetFormatter >>> >>> @dataclass ... class CustomStringTargetFormatter(TargetFormatter): ... "A ``TargetFormatter`` which converts strings of the format '#<index>' to integers." ... multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False ... def format(self, target: str) -> int: ... return int(target.strip("#")) ... >>> formatter = CustomStringTargetFormatter() >>> formatter("#1") 1 """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = None numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = None binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = None labels: Optional[List[str]] = None num_classes: Optional[int] = None def __post_init__(self): self.num_classes = len(self.labels) if self.labels is not None else self.num_classes def __call__(self, target: Any) -> Any: return self.format(target) def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@dataclass class SingleNumericTargetFormatter(TargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that contain a single numeric value (the class index). Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> import torch >>> from import SingleNumericTargetFormatter >>> formatter = SingleNumericTargetFormatter(num_classes=10) >>> formatter(5) 5 >>> formatter([5]) 5 >>> formatter(torch.tensor(5)) 5 """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: result = _as_list(target) if _is_list_like(result): result = result[0] return result
[docs]@dataclass class SingleLabelTargetFormatter(TargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that contain a single string label. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> from import SingleLabelTargetFormatter >>> formatter = SingleLabelTargetFormatter(labels=["cat", "dog"], num_classes=2) >>> formatter("cat") 0 >>> formatter(["dog"]) 1 """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() self.label_to_idx = {label: idx for idx, label in enumerate(self.labels)} def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: return self.label_to_idx[_strip(target[0] if _is_list_like(target) and not isinstance(target, str) else target)]
[docs]@dataclass class SingleBinaryTargetFormatter(TargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that are one-hot encoded binaries. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> import torch >>> from import SingleBinaryTargetFormatter >>> formatter = SingleBinaryTargetFormatter(num_classes=2) >>> formatter([1, 0]) 0 >>> formatter(torch.tensor([0, 1])) 1 """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: for idx, t in enumerate(target): if t == 1: return idx return 0
[docs]@dataclass class MultiNumericTargetFormatter(TargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that contain multiple numeric values (the class indices). Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> import torch >>> from import MultiNumericTargetFormatter >>> formatter = MultiNumericTargetFormatter(num_classes=10) >>> formatter([2, 5]) [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] >>> formatter(torch.tensor([2, 5])) [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: result = [0] * self.num_classes for idx in target: result[idx] = 1 return result
[docs]@dataclass class MultiLabelTargetFormatter(SingleLabelTargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that contain multiple string labels in a list. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> from import MultiLabelTargetFormatter >>> formatter = MultiLabelTargetFormatter(labels=["bird", "cat", "dog"], num_classes=3) >>> formatter(["cat", "dog"]) [0, 1, 1] >>> formatter(["bird"]) [1, 0, 0] """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: result = [0] * self.num_classes for t in target: idx = super().format(t) result[idx] = 1 return result
[docs]@dataclass class CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter(MultiLabelTargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that contain a string with multiple comma-delimited labels. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> from import CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter >>> formatter = CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter(labels=["bird", "cat", "dog"], num_classes=3) >>> formatter("cat,dog") [0, 1, 1] >>> formatter("bird") [1, 0, 0] """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: return super().format(target.split(","))
[docs]@dataclass class SpaceDelimitedTargetFormatter(MultiLabelTargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that contain a string with multiple space-delimited labels. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> from import SpaceDelimitedTargetFormatter >>> formatter = SpaceDelimitedTargetFormatter(labels=["bird", "cat", "dog"], num_classes=3) >>> formatter("cat dog") [0, 1, 1] >>> formatter("bird") [1, 0, 0] """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: return super().format(target.split(" "))
[docs]@dataclass class MultiBinaryTargetFormatter(TargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for targets that are multi-hot binary. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> import torch >>> from import MultiBinaryTargetFormatter >>> formatter = MultiBinaryTargetFormatter(num_classes=3) >>> formatter([0, 1, 1]) [0, 1, 1] >>> formatter(torch.tensor([1, 0, 0])) [1, 0, 0] """ multi_label: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True numeric: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = True def format(self, target: Any) -> Any: return _as_list(target)
[docs]@dataclass class MultiSoftTargetFormatter(MultiBinaryTargetFormatter): """A ``TargetFormatter`` for mutli-label soft targets. Examples ________ .. doctest:: >>> import torch >>> from import MultiSoftTargetFormatter >>> formatter = MultiSoftTargetFormatter(num_classes=3) >>> formatter([0.1, 0.9, 0.6]) [0.1, 0.9, 0.6] >>> formatter(torch.tensor([0.9, 0.6, 0.7])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [0..., 0..., 0...] """ binary: ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = False
def _get_target_formatter_type(target: Any) -> Type[TargetFormatter]: """Determine the ``TargetFormatter`` type for a given target. Multi-label targets can be: * Comma delimited string - ``CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter`` (e.g. ["blue,green", "red"]) * Space delimited string - ``SpaceDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter`` (e.g. ["blue green", "red"]) * List of strings - ``MultiLabelTargetFormatter`` (e.g. [["blue", "green"], ["red"]]) * List of numbers - ``MultiNumericTargetFormatter`` (e.g. [[0, 1], [2]]) * Binary list - ``MultiBinaryTargetFormatter`` (e.g. [[1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) * Soft target - ``MultiSoftTargetFormatter`` (e.g. [[0.1, 0, 0], [0.9, 0.7, 0]]) Single-label targets can be: * Single string - ``SingleLabelTargetFormatter`` (e.g. ["blue", "green", "red"]) * Single number - ``SingleNumericTargetFormatter`` (e.g. [0, 1, 2]) * One-hot binary list - ``SingleBinaryTargetFormatter`` (e.g. [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) Args: target: A target that is one of: a single target, a list of targets, a comma delimited string. """ if isinstance(target, str): target = _strip(target) # TODO: This could be a dangerous assumption if people happen to have a label that contains a comma or space if "," in target: return CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter elif " " in target: return SpaceDelimitedTargetFormatter else: return SingleLabelTargetFormatter elif _is_list_like(target): if isinstance(target[0], str): return MultiLabelTargetFormatter target = _as_list(target) if len(target) > 1: if all(t == 0 or t == 1 for t in target): if sum(target) == 1: return SingleBinaryTargetFormatter return MultiBinaryTargetFormatter elif any(isinstance(t, float) for t in target): return MultiSoftTargetFormatter return MultiNumericTargetFormatter return SingleNumericTargetFormatter _RESOLUTION_MAPPING: Dict[Type[TargetFormatter], List[Type[TargetFormatter]]] = { MultiBinaryTargetFormatter: [MultiNumericTargetFormatter, MultiSoftTargetFormatter], SingleBinaryTargetFormatter: [MultiBinaryTargetFormatter, MultiNumericTargetFormatter, MultiSoftTargetFormatter], SingleLabelTargetFormatter: [CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter, SpaceDelimitedTargetFormatter], SingleNumericTargetFormatter: [SingleBinaryTargetFormatter, MultiNumericTargetFormatter], } def _resolve_target_formatter(a: Type[TargetFormatter], b: Type[TargetFormatter]) -> Type[TargetFormatter]: """The purpose of this resolution function is to enable reduction of the ``TargetFormatter`` type over multiple targets. For example, if one target formatter type is ``CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter`` and the other type is ``SingleLabelTargetFormatter``then their reduction will be ``CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter``. Raises: ValueError: If the two target formatters could not be resolved. """ if a is b: return a elif a in _RESOLUTION_MAPPING and b in _RESOLUTION_MAPPING[a]: return b elif b in _RESOLUTION_MAPPING and a in _RESOLUTION_MAPPING[b]: return a raise ValueError( "Found inconsistent target formats. All targets should be either: single values, lists of values, or " "comma-delimited strings." ) def _get_target_details( targets: List[Any], target_formatter_type: Type[TargetFormatter], ) -> Tuple[Optional[List[Any]], int]: """Given a list of targets and their ``TargetFormatter`` type, this function determines the ``labels`` and ``num_classes``. Targets can be: * Token-based: ``labels`` is the unique tokens, ``num_classes`` is the number of unique tokens. * Numeric: ``labels`` is ``None`` and ``num_classes`` is the maximum value plus one. * Binary: ``labels`` is ``None`` and ``num_classes`` is the length of the binary target. Args: targets: A list of targets. target_formatter_type: The ``TargetFormatter`` type. Returns: (labels, num_classes): Tuple containing the inferred ``labels`` (or ``None`` if no labels could be inferred) and ``num_classes``. """ targets = _as_list(targets) if target_formatter_type.numeric: # Take a max over all values if target_formatter_type is MultiNumericTargetFormatter: values = [] for target in targets: values.extend(target) else: values = targets num_classes = _as_list(max(values)) if _is_list_like(num_classes): num_classes = num_classes[0] num_classes = num_classes + 1 labels = None elif target_formatter_type.binary or (target_formatter_type is MultiSoftTargetFormatter): # Take a length # TODO: Add a check here and error if target lengths are not all equal num_classes = len(targets[0]) labels = None else: # Compute tokens tokens = [] if target_formatter_type is CommaDelimitedMultiLabelTargetFormatter: for target in targets: tokens.extend(target.split(",")) elif target_formatter_type is SpaceDelimitedTargetFormatter: for target in targets: tokens.extend(target.split(" ")) elif target_formatter_type is MultiLabelTargetFormatter: for target in targets: tokens.extend(target) else: tokens = targets tokens = [_strip(token) for token in tokens] labels = list(sorted_alphanumeric(set(tokens))) num_classes = None return labels, num_classes
[docs]def get_target_formatter( targets: List[Any], labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, add_background: bool = False, ) -> TargetFormatter: """Get the ``TargetFormatter`` object to use for the given targets. Args: targets: The list of targets to format. labels: Optionally provide ``labels`` / ``num_classes`` instead of inferring them. num_classes: Optionally provide ``labels`` / ``num_classes`` instead of inferring them. add_background: If ``True``, a background class will be inserted as class zero if ``labels`` and ``num_classes`` are being inferred. Returns: The target formatter to use when formatting targets. """ targets = _as_list(targets) target_formatter_type: Type[TargetFormatter] = reduce( _resolve_target_formatter, [_get_target_formatter_type(target) for target in targets] ) if labels is None and num_classes is None: labels, num_classes = _get_target_details(targets, target_formatter_type) if add_background: labels = ["background"] + labels if labels is not None else labels num_classes = num_classes + 1 if num_classes is not None else num_classes return target_formatter_type(labels=labels, num_classes=num_classes)

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