
Source code for flash.core.serve.core

import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, make_dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch

from flash.core.serve.types.base import BaseType
from flash.core.serve.utils import download_file
from flash.core.utilities.imports import _PYDANTIC_AVAILABLE, requires

    from pydantic import FilePath, HttpUrl, parse_obj_as, ValidationError
    FilePath, HttpUrl, parse_obj_as, ValidationError = None, None, None, None

# -------------------------------- Endpoint -----------------------------------

[docs]@dataclass class Endpoint: """An endpoint maps a route and request/response payload to components. Parameters ---------- route The API route name to construct as the servicing POST endpoint. inputs The full name of a component input. Typically, specified by just passing in the component parameter attribute (i.e.````). outputs The full name of a component output. Typically, specified by just passing in the component parameter attribute (i.e.````). """ route: str inputs: Dict[str, str] outputs: Dict[str, str] def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.route, str): raise TypeError( f"route parameter must be type={str}, recieved " f"route={self.route} of type={type(self.route)}" ) if not self.route.startswith("/"): raise ValueError("route must begin with a `slash` character (ie `/`).") for k in tuple(self.inputs.keys()): v = self.inputs[k] if not isinstance(v, (Parameter, str)): raise TypeError(f"inputs k={k}, v={v}, is not {Parameter} or {str}. type(v)={type(v)}") self.inputs[k] = str(v) for k in tuple(self.outputs.keys()): v = self.outputs[k] if not isinstance(v, (Parameter, str)): raise TypeError(f"k={k}, v={v}, type(v)={type(v)}") self.outputs[k] = str(v)
# -------------------------------- Servable --------------------------------- class FlashServeScriptLoader: __slots__ = ("location", "instance") def __init__(self, location: FilePath): self.location = location self.instance = torch.jit.load(location) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print(self.instance, args, kwargs) return self.instance(*args, **kwargs) ServableValidArgs_T = Union[ Tuple[Type[pl.LightningModule], Union[HttpUrl, FilePath]], Tuple[HttpUrl], Tuple[FilePath], ]
[docs]class Servable: """ModuleWrapperBase around a model object to enable serving at scale. Create a ``Servable`` from either (LM, LOCATION) or (LOCATION,) Parameters ---------- *args A model class and path to the asset file (url or local file path) OR a singular path to a torchscript asset which can be loaded without the model class definition. download_path Optional url to download a model from. TODO ---- * How to handle ``__init__`` args for ``torch.nn.Module`` * How to handle ``__init__`` args not recorded in hparams of ``pl.LightningModule`` """ @requires("serve") def __init__( self, *args: ServableValidArgs_T, download_path: Optional[Path] = None, script_loader_cls: Type[FlashServeScriptLoader] = FlashServeScriptLoader, ): try: loc = args[-1] # last element in args is always loc parsed = parse_obj_as(ServableValidArgs_T, tuple(args)) except ValidationError: if args[0].__qualname__ != script_loader_cls.__qualname__: raise parsed = [script_loader_cls, parse_obj_as(Union[HttpUrl, FilePath], loc)] if isinstance(parsed[-1], Path): f_path = loc else: f_path = download_file(loc, download_path=download_path) if len(args) == 2 and args[0].__qualname__ != script_loader_cls.__qualname__: # if this is a class and path/url... klass = args[0] instance = klass.load_from_checkpoint(f_path) else: # if this is just a path/url klass = script_loader_cls instance = klass(f_path) self.instance = instance def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.instance(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.instance)
# ------------------ Connections & Parameters (internal) ---------------------- class Connection(NamedTuple): """A connection maps one output to one input. This is a self-contained data structure, which when given in the context of the other components in a composition, will map input/output keys/indices between components. Warnings -------- * This data structure should not be instantiated directly! The class_methods attached to the class are the indended mechanisms to create a new instance. """ source_component: str target_component: str source_key: str target_key: str def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return f"Connection({str(self)})" def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): # pragma: no cover if cycle: return res = ( f"Connection(" f"{self.source_component}.outputs.{self.source_key} >> " f"{self.target_component}.inputs.{self.target_key})" ) p.text(res) def __str__(self): return ( f"{self.source_component}.outputs.{self.source_key} >> " f"{self.target_component}.inputs.{self.target_key}" ) @dataclass class Parameter: """Holder class for each grid type of component and connections from those to the types of other components. Parameters ---------- name Name of the parameter. It's same as the dictionary key from `expose` datatype Grid type object component_uid Which component this type is associated with position Position in the while exposing it i.e `inputs` or `outputs` """ name: str datatype: BaseType component_uid: str position: str connections: List["Connection"] = field(default_factory=list, init=False, repr=False) def __str__(self): return f"{self.component_uid}.{self.position}.{}" def __terminate_invalid_connection_request(self, other: "Parameter", dunder_meth_called: str) -> None: """verify that components can be composed. Parameters ---------- other object passed into the bitshift operator. We verify if is a ``Parameter`` class and that is not the type of the same component dunder_meth_called: str one of ['__lshift__', '__rshift__']. we need to know the directionality of the bitshift method called when we verify that the directionality of the dag is always outputs -> inputs. Raises ------ TypeError, RuntimeError if the verification fails, we throw an exception to stop the connection from being created. """ # assert this is actually a class object we can compare against. if not isinstance(other, self.__class__) or (other.__class__ != self.__class__): raise TypeError(f"Can only Compose another `Parameter` class, not {type(other)}") # assert not same instance if id(other) == id(self): raise RuntimeError("Cannot compose a parameters of same components") # assert bitshift directionality is acceptable for source/target map source = other if dunder_meth_called == "__lshift__" else self target = self if dunder_meth_called == "__lshift__" else other if source.position != "outputs": raise TypeError( f"A data source component can only provide a target with data listed " f"as ``output``. source component: `{source.component_uid}` " f"key: `{}`" ) if target.position != "inputs": raise TypeError( f"A data target component can only accept data into keys listed as " f"`inputs`. components: source=`{str(source)}` target={str(target)}" ) if source.component_uid == target.component_uid: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot create cycle by creating connection between outputs and " f"inputs of a single component. source component: `{source.component_uid}`" ) def __lshift__(self, other: "Parameter"): """Implements composition connecting Parameter << Parameter.""" self.__terminate_invalid_connection_request(other, "__lshift__") con = Connection( source_component=other.component_uid, target_component=self.component_uid,,, ) self.connections.append(con) def __rshift__(self, other: "Parameter"): """Implements composition connecting Parameter >> Parameter.""" self.__terminate_invalid_connection_request(other, "__rshift__") con = Connection( source_component=self.component_uid, target_component=other.component_uid,,, ) self.connections.append(con) class DictAttrAccessBase: def __grid_fields__(self) -> Iterator[str]: for field in dataclasses.fields(self): # noqa F402 yield def __getitem__(self, item) -> Parameter: return getattr(self, item) def __contains__(self, item): return bool(getattr(self, item, False)) def __len__(self): return len(tuple(self.__grid_fields__())) def __iter__(self): yield from self.__grid_fields__() ParameterContainer = TypeVar("ParameterContainer", bound=DictAttrAccessBase) # skipcq: PYL-W1401, PYL-W0621 def make_parameter_container(data: Dict[str, Parameter]) -> ParameterContainer: """Create dotted dict lookup class from parameter map. Parameters ---------- data mapping for ``parameter_name -> 'Parameter' instance`` Returns ------- ParameterContainer A representation of the parameter data dict with keys accessible via ``dotted`` attribute lookup. Notes ----- * parameter name must be valid python attribute (identifier) and cannot be a builtin keyword. input names should have been validated by this point. """ dataclass_fields = [(param_name, type(param)) for param_name, param in data.items()] ParameterContainer = make_dataclass( "ParameterContainer", dataclass_fields, bases=(DictAttrAccessBase,), frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True, ) return ParameterContainer(**data) def make_param_dict( inputs: Dict[str, BaseType], outputs: Dict[str, BaseType], component_uid: str ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Parameter], Dict[str, Parameter]]: """Convert exposed input/outputs parameters / dtypes to parameter objects. Returns ------- Tuple[Dict[str, Parameter], Dict[str, Parameter]] Element[0] == Input parameter dict Element[1] == Output parameter dict. """ flashserve_inp_params, flashserve_out_params = {}, {} for inp_key, inp_dtype in inputs.items(): flashserve_inp_params[inp_key] = Parameter( name=inp_key, datatype=inp_dtype, component_uid=component_uid, position="inputs" ) for out_key, out_dtype in outputs.items(): flashserve_out_params[out_key] = Parameter( name=out_key, datatype=out_dtype, component_uid=component_uid, position="outputs" ) return flashserve_inp_params, flashserve_out_params

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