
Source code for flash.core.serve.decorators

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from functools import partial, wraps
from keyword import iskeyword
from types import FunctionType, MethodType
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from uuid import uuid4

from flash.core.serve.core import Connection, ParameterContainer, Servable, make_param_dict, make_parameter_container
from flash.core.serve.types.base import BaseType
from flash.core.serve.utils import fn_outputs_to_keyed_map
from flash.core.utilities.imports import _CYTOOLZ_AVAILABLE, _TOPIC_SERVE_AVAILABLE

# Skip doctests if requirements aren't available
    __doctest_skip__ = ["*"]

    from cytoolz import compose
    from cytoolz import get as cytoolz_get
    compose, cytoolz_get = None, None

class UnboundMeta:
    __slots__ = ("exposed", "inputs", "outputs")

    exposed: Union[FunctionType, MethodType]
    inputs: Dict[str, BaseType]
    outputs: Dict[str, BaseType]

class BoundMeta(UnboundMeta):
    models: Union[List["Servable"], Tuple["Servable", ...], Dict[str, "Servable"]]
    uid: str = field(default_factory=lambda: uuid4().hex, init=False)
    out_attr_dict: ParameterContainer = field(default=None, init=False)
    inp_attr_dict: ParameterContainer = field(default=None, init=False)
    dsk: Dict[str, tuple] = field(default_factory=dict, init=False)

    def __post_init__(self):
        i_pdict, o_pdict = make_param_dict(self.inputs, self.outputs, self.uid)
        self.inp_attr_dict = make_parameter_container(i_pdict)
        self.out_attr_dict = make_parameter_container(o_pdict)

        _dsk_func_inputs = []
        for k, datatype in self.inputs.items():
            self.dsk[f"{self.uid}.inputs.{k}"] = (

        self.dsk[f"{self.uid}.funcout"] = (
            # inline _exposed_fn run with 'outputs_to_keymap_fn' since
            # it is a cheap transformation we need to do every time.
            compose(partial(fn_outputs_to_keyed_map, self.outputs.keys()),,

        for k, datatype in self.outputs.items():
            self.dsk[f"{self.uid}.outputs.{k}"] = (
                partial(cytoolz_get, k),
            self.dsk[f"{self.uid}.outputs.{k}.serial"] = (

    def connections(self) -> Sequence["Connection"]:
        connections = []
        for fld in fields(self.inp_attr_dict):
        for fld in fields(self.out_attr_dict):
        return connections

def _validate_expose_inputs_outputs_args(kwargs: Dict[str, BaseType]):
    """Checks format & type of arguments passed to `@expose` inputs/outputs parameters.

        dict of inputs to check.

        If the inputs / outputs exposed dict are invalid:
        *  Keys must be str type
        If the inputs / outputs exposed dict are invalid:
        *  values must be instance of `BaseType`.
        If the inputs / output dicts are not of length >= 1
        If input keys passed to `@expose` do not match the corresponding
        (decorated) method parameter names. (TODO!!)

    >>> from flash.core.serve.types import Number
    >>> inp = {'hello': Number()}
    >>> out = {'out': Number()}
    >>> _validate_expose_inputs_outputs_args(inp)
    >>> _validate_expose_inputs_outputs_args(out)
    if not isinstance(kwargs, dict):
        raise TypeError(f"`expose` values must be {dict}. recieved {kwargs}")

    if len(kwargs) < 1:
        raise ValueError(f"cannot set dict of length < 1 for field=`{field}`")

    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if not k.isidentifier() or iskeyword(k):
            raise SyntaxError(f"`expose key={k} must be valid python attribute")
        if not isinstance(v, BaseType):
            raise TypeError(f"expose key {k}, v={v} must be subclass of {BaseType}")

[docs]def expose(inputs: Dict[str, BaseType], outputs: Dict[str, BaseType]): """Expose a function/method via a web API for serving model inference. The ``@expose`` decorator has two arguments, inputs and outputs, which describe how the inputs to predict are decoded from the request and how the outputs of predict are encoded to a response. Must decorate one (and only one) method when used within a subclass of ``ModelComponent``. Parameters ---------- inputs accepts a dictionary mapping keys to decorated method parameter names (must be one to one mapping) with values corresponding to an instantiated specification of a Flash Serve Data Type (ie. ``Number()``, ``Image()``, ``Text()``, etc...) outputs accepts a dictionary mapping outputs of the decorated method to keys and data type (similar to inputs). However, unlike ``inputs`` the output keys are less strict in their names. IF the method returns a dictionary, the keys must match one-to-one. However, if the method returns a sorted sequence (list / tuple) the keys can be arbitrary, so long as no reserved names are used (primarily python keywords). For result sequences, the order in which keys are defined maps to the appropriate element index in the result (ie. ``key 0 -> sequence[0]``, ``key 1 -> sequence[1]``, etc.) TODO ---- * Examples in the docstring. """ _validate_expose_inputs_outputs_args(inputs) _validate_expose_inputs_outputs_args(outputs) def wrapper(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapped(func): func.flashserve_meta = UnboundMeta(exposed=func, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs) return func return wrapped(fn) return wrapper

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